
Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are celebrated in accordance with orthodox liturgy with a “baal tfilah” (prayer leader), a “chasan” (cantor) and a permanent “minyan”.

Passover (Pessach): On every first Passover Seder, the entire congregation gathers to celebrate with the prayer leader and invited guests.

Purim:  Celebrated with members and friends in the Community Center.

Hanukkah:  We light the candles together with members and friends in the Community Center.

Mazzot and kosher wine are available in the office of the IKG Innsbruck.

Kosher Products: For the “Hamadrich Kosherlist” 2021, please contact the secretary or download HERE.


2. October 2024/5784 Erew Rosch HaSchana
3./4. October 2024/5785 Rosch HaSchana

11. October 2024/5785 Erew Jom Kippur
12. October 2024/5785 Jom Kippur

16. October 2024/5785 Erew Sukkoth
17./18. October 2024/5785 Sukkoth

24. October 2024/5785 Schemini Azereth
25. October 2024/5785 Simchat Thora

25. December 2024/5785 Chanukkah 1st Candle
26. December 2024/5785 – 2. January 2025/5785 Chanukkah

14. March 2025/5785 Purim

12. April 2025/5785 Erew Pesach
13. – 20. April 2025/5784 Pesach

24. April 2025/5785 Jom HaSchoah

1. May 2025/5785 Jom Ha’azma’ut

1. June 2025/5785 Erew Schawuoth
2./3. June 2025/5785 Schawuoth